Friday, July 8, 2011

Long time

Sorry haven't been on in a while, i've been quite busy :) As I've stated in a previous post, I staffed at Am2con, and I must say, it was really interesting and fun! People from all across the country came, just for this convention,  it's really cool.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My future career!

So I come to the understanding that I know what I will want to be studying in school. Nothing else interests me more than food! I will be a chef, I can't wait! I know nothing about cooking so I will take some basics in my community college and see whats up from there! YUM I love me some food.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Back pains

So , I woke up this morning with an HORRIBLE back pain. I don't know what I did, must have slept wrong but my back has been hurting me all day Q.Q I feel like  cracking it but I don't want to because it will hurt more

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Does this make me fat?

Okay. So.... I ate 2 pieces of Carne Asada... 2 hot pockets, a toaster trudle, 3 cookies, and I'm still hungry... Thinking I should go make me some more food... so does this make me fat? I'm 5'8 ish 130 pounds =-= I wan more food.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Library boredness

So i'm here at the Fontana Lewis Library on Sierra, bored...hungry..hungry.. and alone o-o I'm waiting for the homies to get here, so we can hang and do somethign of some sort! So many people here, that i don't know. ehhhh

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Food food foooood

I hate eating, and at the same time I love to eat. Reason being is I hate eating because when I do, I eat...and eat....and eat.... Lots of food hard to stop me. I love to eat food because, well I LOVE FOOD :D taste so good :) I'm lucky to have a fast metabolism :D I never gain weight, and sometimes I lose weight hahaha

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Looking forward to going to this anime expo thing called AM2 this coming July :) Looks very promising and it's free! Although, i'm going to be working there, i'll have some benefits :)